Our client starts his new art sessions

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11 July 2023
With a bit of encouragement, our amazingly talented client, Brian starts his own Art classes for his friends.

We love to support our clients with their interests and hobbies so when we found out our Southwell client, Brian used to be an artist and still loved to paint, we encouraged him to continue with his passion.

Brian agreed to trial the art classes for his fellow residents at our housing with care scheme in Southwell this week and he was absolutely brilliant. He spent a lot of time and effort into a proper art class that people would enjoy and his enthusiam really made it a wonderful experience for everyone. The clients all had a great time and said they can wait to learn more.

No matter what age, it's important we still take the time to do things we love to do and encourage others to do the same. Brian was really grateful for our encouragement and he's already planning his next sessions.